
Gaffney, K.A, Guo, R., Bridges, M.D., Muhammednazaar, S., Chen, D., Kim, M, Yang, Z., Schilmiller, A.L., Faruk, N.F., Peng, X., Jones, A.D., Kim, K.H., Sun, L., Hubbell, W.L., Sosnick, T.R., Hong, H. (2022). Lipid bilayer induces contraction of the denatured state ensemble of a helical-bundle membrane protein. PNAS. 119:e2109169119.

Hao, Z., Epshtein, V., Kim, K.H., Proshkin, S., Svetlov, V., Kamarthapu, V., Bharati, B., Mironov, A., Walz, T., and Nudler, E. (2021). Pre-termination Transcription Complex: Structure and Function. Mol Cell. 81, 281-292.

Butterwick, J.A., del Marmol, J.*, Kim, K.H.*, Kahlson, M.A., Rogow, J.A., Walz, T., and Ruta, V. (2018). Cryo-EM structure of the insect olfactory receptor Orco. Nature 560, 447-452.

Bodnar, N.O.*, Kim, K.H.*, Ji, Z., Wales, T.E., Svetlov, V., Nudler, E., Engen, J.R., Walz, T., and Rapoport, T.A. (2018). Structure of the Cdc48 ATPase with its ubiquitin-binding cofactor Ufd1-Npl4. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 25, 616-622.

Gutmann, T.*, Kim, K.H.*, Grzybek, M., Walz, T., and Coskun, U. (2018). Visualization of ligand-induced transmembrane signaling in the full-length human insulin receptor. J. Cell Biol. 217, 1643-1649.

Hunziker, M., Barandun, J., Petfalski, E., Tan, D., Delan-Forino, C., Molloy, K.R., Kim, K.H., Dunn-Davies, H., Shi, Y., Chaker-Margot, M., Chait, B.T., Walz, T., Tollervey, D., and Kinge, S. (2016). UtpA and UtpB chaperone nascent pre-ribosomal RNA and U3 snoRNA to initiate eukaryotic ribosome assembly. Nat. Commun. 7, 12090.

Aulakh S., Kim K.H., and Paetzel, M. (2015). Expression and purification of the individual Bam components BamB-E. Methods Mol. Biol. 1329, 179-188.

Kim, K.H., Aulakh, S., and Paetzel, M. (2014). Outer membrane protein biosynthesis: transport and incorporation of proteins into the OM bilayer. Bacterial Membranes: Structural and Molecular Biology. UK: Horizon Scientific Press 91-132. (invited book chapter)

Kim, K.H., Aulakh, S., and Paetzel, M. (2012). The bacterial outer membrane β-barrel assembly machinery. Prot. Sci. 21, 751-768. (selected as a featured article and for a video highlight)

Kim, K.H., Aulakh, S., and Paetzel, M. (2011). Crystal structure of the β-barrel assembly machinery BamCD complex. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 39116-39121.

Kim, K.H., Aulakh, S., Tan, W., and Paetzel, M. (2011). Crystallographic analysis of the C-terminal domain of the Escherichia coli lipoprotein BamC. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F. Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 67, 1350-1358.

Kim, K.H., Kang, H.S., Okon, M., Escobar-Cabrera, E., McIntosh, L.P., and Paetzel, M. (2011). Structural characterization of Escherichia coli BamE, a lipoprotein component of the β-barrel assembly machinery complex. Biochemistry 50, 1081-1090.

Kim, K.H., and Paetzel, M. (2011). Crystal structure of Escherichia coli BamB, a lipoprotein component of the β-barrel assembly machinery complex. J. Mol. Biol. 406, 667-678.